better amplifier than rotel rc/rb combo

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  • eyalshor
    Junior Member
    • May 2006
    • 4

    better amplifier than rotel rc/rb combo

    I own quad's l22 speakers with rotel rcd 991 and rotel rc/rb 1070. I also use vibrapod and vdh cables (jublee, d102 and c122 speaker cable). My room size is 6*4*3 meter and i looking for better detail, resolusion and warm. thanks for your help!
  • Snap
    Super Senior Member
    • Feb 2005
    • 1295

    Bryston is the only thing that I can think of. Classe, but I think it will sound simular to the Rotel, and not give you your...... "Warm" that you were looking for.
    The Bitterness of poor quality last longer than the joy of low prices.


    • JonMarsh
      Mad Max Moderator
      • Aug 2000
      • 15317

      Suggest auditioning Ayre K-5xe preamp with Are V-5xe power amp to start; might set some good expectations about what is possible with good solid state gear.

      Ayre Acoustics

      For some recent 3rd party opinion, check out Sam Tellig's write up in the May 2006 Stereophile.

      BTW, my opinion isn't unbiased; I have these myself, since their introduction. Very recommended.

      the AudioWorx
      Natalie P
      Modula Neo DCC
      Modula MT XE
      Modula Xtreme
      Wavecor Ardent

      Minerva Monitor
      Ardent D

      In Development...
      Isiris Mk II updates- in final test stage!
      Saint-Saƫns Symphonique/AKA SMJ-40
      Modula PWB
      Calliope CC Supreme
      Natalie P Ultra
      Natalie P Supreme
      Janus BP1 Sub

      Resistance is not futile, it is Volts divided by Amperes...
      Just ask Mr. Ohm....


      • BTB
        Senior Member
        • Jan 2006
        • 198

        Hi eyalshor

        Fancy seeing you here? How about trying some of Quad's own 99 series seperates? They have a very civilised sound and I presume might have been partly designed with speakers such as the one's you own in mind?

        Otherwise I have read some pretty good reviews of the new Densen seperates and 100 wpc integrated in Hi Fi Choice recently? Apparently the integrated in particular was praised for managing to sound both analytical and musical. Most amps I've heard either pull one or the other off, but rarely both, except for some Naim seperates that I've heard, which could itself definitely be an option.

        Otherwise Bryston has just recently put out a new integrated amp model with an onboard high quality DAC... therefore your existing CD player simply acts as a transport, so you effectively get a amp and CD upgrade in one shot! Apparently (again according to reviews, not heard it myself unfortunately) you'd have to own a pretty expensive CD player to better the effect of the Bryston's internal DAC.

        Happy hunting!


        • NMyTree
          Senior Member
          • May 2004
          • 520

          I had the Quad 22L speakers.

          As Jon said, Ayre makes some nice gear.

          You may also want to audition the Butler Audio TDB 2250 Hybrid Amp. It seems to fit in with exactly what you're looking for, in your sound character description.


          • jim777
            Senior Member
            • Mar 2005
            • 831

            What is your budget?? Do you want to change a piece at a time?

            Myself, I compared the RC/RB1070 combo to a McIntosh MA6500 (integrated) and the mac was well worth the extra ca$h. That's what I got for my B&W 703's. It sounds a lot more tube-ish, sweet, musical, etc. The price went up two times since I bought it last year; I think that it is around 4k$US now. There is a new model though (MA6300) that will sell for ~3k$. Might not be your best bet if you want something "analytical" over everything else (although mac is still detailed). I also got the mac CD player and now it is all about the music, I'm happy for a while now....


            • eddiem67
              Senior Member
              • Jun 2004
              • 139

              You can always look at tube amps like...Manley Labs, or do you want to stick with SS
              My Car Audio


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