The Delimma, ruin a premiere?

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  • Lex
    Moderator Emeritus
    • Apr 2001
    • 27461

    The Delimma, ruin a premiere?

    Torn between immediate gratification, or waiting for doing it right. No, I'm not talking about doing it on the first date, versus waiting until you have, well feelings for her.

    I'm talking about going to the theater to see the BIG movies like Matrix Reloaded, or Lord of the Rings 3 later on, versus waiting to premiere the DVD on your own theater. Let's face it, generally, thaeter experiences can suck. If somebody's not talking in front of you, somebody's coughing on your neck behind you. You could buy the DVD for less than it costs 2 people with popcorn. So, is this a delimma for you? Does the big screen experience mean enough to ruin the first DVD viewing?

    For me, it's a tough call. The audio side means so much to me, and my system does it so right. It's difficult for me to bypass that new experience. So, I don't go to the theater much. What am I missing? Anything? Or am I in fact adding to the first time experience?

    Anyway, crazy topic I guess, but something that's been on my mind more and more as I see new flicks coming out I want to see. It's such a long wait for DVD sometimes!


    Cable Guy DVD Collection
    "I'm out there Jerry, and I'm loving every minute of it!" - Kramer
  • Burke Strickland
    • Sep 2001
    • 3161

    The dilemma for me isn't whether the commercial theater experience will ruin viewing the DVD for me, (it never has yet), but whether I could manage to stay unaffected by the buzz about the movie until it comes out on DVD. I purposely try not to read reviews in advance of my own first screening of a movie, and also stay out of discussions about the flick du jour until I've seen it and can form my own impressions. In fact, I'd rather see a movie at the commercial theater with friends and then decide whether or not to buy the DVD than to buy it because the buzz has been so strong, and then end up hating it.

    At least going to the theater makes for a change of pace, even if there are crying babies, morons talking on cell phones and dimbulbs trying to make sense of the plot out loud while the movie is going on. When they occur, those annoyances just make anticipation of the more controlled DVD viewing something to look forward to even more. Plus, in the months of waiting for the DVD, I can read the reviews and participate in the discussions without fear of "spoilers" ruining my own perception of the film on first viewing.

    So I go right away to see a few of the "biggies" that people are going to talk about a lot and dissect at length -- like Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers, which I saw at the midnight opening show last December, and The Matrix Reloaded, which I went to see today in a theater filled with other adults who were away from the office for the afternoon to attend business conferences (wink wink) and kids playing hookey from school. In fact, I found myself saying to myself several times during the show "this is going to make one hell of a DVD" and "looking forward to playing this one on my system at a home" to be able to enjoy it again, but without the crying babies, morons talking on cell phones and dimbulbs trying to make sense of the plot out loud while the movie is going on. :>)


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    • George Bellefontaine
      Moderator Emeritus
      • Jan 2001
      • 7637

      It's easy for me. I prefer to wait for the dvd. Theaters around here lack atmosphere. You walk in and all you see is this bare screen, no drapes and this cold auditorium-like feeling.. And the last time I went I was pretty annoyed by the antics of three teens sitting in front of me. Nawww, my new PJ shows a picture like film anyway, so who needs the annoyance ?

      Having said that, I must admit I do miss the days of the great cinema palaces. If there was one around here, I'd be at the theater much more often, believe me.

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      • David Meek
        Moderator Emeritus
        • Aug 2000
        • 8938

        There's just SOMETHING about a 50' screen that thrills the heck out of me. I'll occasionally let the "smaller" films go until the DVD release, but any biggies will find me at the cinema. Fortunately, at our local complex, for the most part, the audience is very well behaved.

        David - HTGuide flunky
        Our "Theater"
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        David - Trigger-happy HTGuide Admin


        • Danbry39
          Moderator Emeritus
          • Sep 2002
          • 1584

          Good topic.

          First off, I'm not one to go to the movies much at all these days (talking, cell phones, sticky floors, etc. etc. etc.). I have a family of four and my two daughters are allowed to bring friends along with them if they want. Totel cost of going to the movies for me is over $100 with popcorn, drink, etc. Being practical minded, I equate this to owning 6 DVD's. Actually, I could buy that new Denon 2900 DVD player for 8 or so trips to the theater. And, believe me, I've been extremely tempted to buy a certain Musical Fidelity preamp being sold by a certain Norwegian audio nut that is a moderator at HTGuide.

          When I take into consideration the aggravation of going to the movies, it doesn't make sense. Besides, I can't very well pause the movie at the theater if I want to take a bathroom break.

          As a result, I limit myself for the most part to certain blockbusters, LOTR, Xmen, etc. Otherwise, I wait until the DVD comes out - oh yeah, except when I HAVE to take my youngest daughter to see Pokemon, Digimon, etc.



          • Danbry39
            Moderator Emeritus
            • Sep 2002
            • 1584

            Having said that, I must admit I do miss the days of the great cinema palaces. If there was one around here, I'd be at the theater much more often, believe me.
            I'm sooooooo with you there George. And I remember a time when the audiences used to be very different too. And remember those double features? Dang, the good old days. :later:



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