1098 Wish List and Need for a 1099!!!

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  • Aussie Geoff
    Super Senior Member
    • Oct 2003
    • 1914

    1098 Wish List and Need for a 1099!!!


    In researching “wish list” requests for the 1098 I’ve started to develop a sense of what can be realistically added to the 1098 as is and what would require a major hardware upgrade. I thought this worth sharing, since it will provide a context for the next version of the 1098 wish-list.

    My sources for this include:
    • Chip manufacturers (especially Cirrus who I thank for their helpful support)
    • Technical articles on the web on topics such as HDMI chip design
    • Comparative technical specifications of various high end HT processors

    Essentially I will maintain two lists, things that can probably be realistically added to the 1098 through firmware or minor hardware revision, and things that require significant hardware upgrades - hence the 1099 model suggestion.

    Audio Outputs.

    Some of the requests relate to things such as separate control of the two SUB pre-outs or the second CENTRE pre-out. Essentially, in a modern HT Processor the number of audio channels is preset by two key capabilities:
    • The number of channels supported by the units Digital Signal Processor (DSP)
    • The number of Digital to Analogue converters in the unit.

    Now in the 1098 there is a one of the latest Cirrus crystal’s CS49400 DSP units that supports 8 audio channels configurable as up to 7.1 or 5.1 with a 2 channel zone 2. Support for more channels would require an additional DSP to process. This is what is done in very high end processors like the Lecicon MC-12, which supports 12 output channels, but its smaller brother the MC-8 only has the 8 channels. Equally, the more competitively priced B&K and Anthem units only have 8 channels.

    Matching this, the 1098 has 4 Crystal CS43122 24 bit 192kz D/A converter each supporting 2 channels. Support for more channels would require an extra D/A for each 2 channels.

    So the extra sub port being separately controlled is something that would require a second DSP and an extra D/A converter. On the good news front, once the extra DSP is added there is 8 more channels to play with so the possibilities are really endless. Think options like:
    • 3 Sub ports covering LFE and Left and Right or whatever suits!
    • A 5.1 Zone Second Zone option (still allows for 2 extra sub ports)
    • 2 Effect side channels as options giving a matrixed signal between the front left and back left, front right and back right.
    • Choice of 2 pairs of rear channels, one for HT and one for Music

    The possibilities are endless. I've got my credit card out and I'm drooling already!

    Video Processing

    A number of the requests relate to various options for video processing. These include options such as:
    • DVI input and outputs
    • HDMI
    • Display of Component and S-Video on the TFT

    Essentially there are 3 key restrictions on the Video Processing in a HT Processor:
    • Video Processing Chip Support – each video standard requires specialised chips to support its inputs and processing signals.
    • Video Conversion Chip support – translation between video standards, especially upconversion of frequencies or resolutions requires specialised chips
    • Back panel real estate – room on the back plate to include the sockets for the inputs and outputs.

    If we take the Video Processing Chip issue, for the newer standards like DVI and HDMI there are few manufacturers to choose from at the moment. These also need to be physically added to the unit.

    For Video Conversion Chips, the situation is even more complex (as evidenced by the 1098s lack of back conversion to composite or conversion of composite to S-Video. Essentially a standard needs to be well understood and there be significant demand before the conversion chips become affordable.

    Lastly we have back panel support, this is fairly self explanatory, with the 1098 having a already relatively full back panel, limiting the opportunity to add new video sockets without dropping some existing ones.

    Audio Inputs

    Again we have requests for more inputs, most popularly (and understandably) a second set of 7.1 multi inputs for that SACD player / laser disc etc.

    Only in HT processors like the 1098, usually only a maximum of two analogue audio inputs are active (zone 1 and 2) and they are switched using relays or similar circuits. What this means is that you don’t need extra A/D converters etc to support more analogue audio inputs, just back panel real estate and some more relays (as well as the software).

    Summing it up

    The 1098 is most probably:
    • At its limit for audio output channels without and extra DSP and D/A converters
    • Very close to it’s limit for back panel expansion, especially as the inputs and outputs are arranged in removable segments.
    • About consistent in its input and output capabilities with any competitive HT processor in its price range.

    Adding extra video options would also require additional, newer generation video chips that are still emerging on the market.

    Where does this leave Rotel lovers who just have to have more?

    Well, one could easily imagine a (say) larger higher end 1099 unit with:
    • More back panel space (made my making the unit higher)
    • An extra DSP and D/A converters to create a dazzling array of output options for up to 8 extra pre-out channels configurable to a users choice.
    • Extra video input and output options for DVI and HDMI
    • The same magnificent sound
    • A higher price

    HDMI is an end to end encrypted interface that allows for digital sound and full DVD-A and SACD rates. As has been pointed out in a previous post, Pioneer has already announced their HDMI enabled DVD player. So we may as well throw in full on board digital processing of DVD-A and SACD signals!

    This is a similar two tier strategy that Lexicon adopted with their MC-8 and MC-12 (except of course the 1099 would be way better than the MC-12 in terms of video and audio capability and most likely sound quality).

    I want one.... I need one....

    I bet lots of you do too!

    Rotel – please make us one for 2004!

    Feedback welcome. I hope this helps....

    Geoff Costello
  • lcajiga
    • Aug 2003
    • 83

    Aussie, I have something else to add to this wish list...may Rotel hire you for their development team? I think your ideas are great and very well analized.

    Since a 1099 will take some time to come out, and for the evolving technologies will be an intelligent decision to wait a little bit, I for now will love ig Rotel invest more time taking out the most of the 1098, including developing new boards for the 1098, where they may give us alternatives for more digital inputs, video formats and latest HD connections by replacing composite and analog boards (as suggested in another thread). I for sure will invest purchasing new boards to accomodate such tecnologies.

    Thanks for your suggestions.


    "It is not what you see and hear...it is how!"


    "It is not what you see and hear...it is how!"


    • Aussie Geoff
      Super Senior Member
      • Oct 2003
      • 1914


      Thanks for the feedback - it would be fun

      In terms of the 1098, don't worry - I haven't lost the faith and will be publishing a next generation wish list for the 1098 and helping drive the discussion with Rotel. If we can persuade Rotel to include new boards for this as options / all the better. We could do things like drop Composite Video and replace it with a DVI / HDMI card.

      I was just putting some practical boundaries around the requests for firmware expansion for the 1098 and using this to create a vision for the next generation of product. IE Let's not say no, but use what we can't do now to define the future.

      When I did this - I found I really wanted one!!!!

      That’s the "joy" of HT - there is always more round the corner....

      Enjoy your 1098 - an investment in one of the best HT sounding processors in the world bar none. Let's make it even more versatile over time!

      Geoff Costello


      • suske67
        Junior Member
        • Jul 2003
        • 9

        Hi Aussie,

        actually this means rotel did a great job for the money and is doing very well with what they have put into this amazing processor ;-)

        and i understand it is difficult to be satisfied but for me it is absolutely a fantastic machine fot the money

        keep up the good work and thanks for the information :LOL:

        listen and you'll buy
        listen and you'll buy


        • Aussie Geoff
          Super Senior Member
          • Oct 2003
          • 1914


          Thanks - I know how good they are - I have a Black RSP 1098 on back-order with my dealer, subject to the DTS-ES fix being available and installed.

          The list is just about capturing ideas for improvement. Remember much of the great features in the 1098 came from customers asking for things in the 1066 that just couldn't be done with that hardware. Equally these same requests have led to many software upgrades of the 1066 that those users are benefting from.

          With the continued good will of Rotel, and the feedback from this forum, I expect the same happy experience for current and new 1098 owners. We make what we have better and help invent the next generation!

          Geoff Costello


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