1066 vs. 1068 Comparison

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  • Nick Danger
    Junior Member
    • Aug 2004
    • 27

    1066 vs. 1068 Comparison

    Hello all:

    I bought the 1066 in December 2003 and a few months later, out came the 1068! Subsequent to purchasing Rotel separates, I bought a VPI Aries Scout and have submerged myself in LPs since. I would now call myself an analogue junkie (or vinyl junkie).

    I have read in several postings that the analogue section of the 1068 is 'vastly' superior to the 1066.

    In my pursuit of the perfect analogue sound, I have been considering upgrading the processor to: Bryston, McIntosh, Krell, Anthem etc. I would hope that an upgrade for improved analogue would also result in improved overall sound.

    My question is this: has anyone done a serious A/B comparison between the two Rotel units, and if so, what are the comments? Going the Rotel upgrade might be the lowest cost improvement, assuming that I can get some sort of credit for the 1066 applied to the 1068. One of the reasons I was considering an upgrade to other than Rotel was my initial experience with Rotel equipment.

    I would appreciate any and all comments.


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