B&W 804S, Krell 400xi & Rega Apollo

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  • Turkish1480
    Junior Member
    • Mar 2007
    • 15

    B&W 804S, Krell 400xi & Rega Apollo

    Has anyone heard this set up? Will the Apollo calm down the upper frequencies of the B&W and Krell set up? I am a big fan of Krell and love the idea that two small pieces of electronic gear can be a true high end setup. Any thoughts are much appreciated.

  • Briz vegas
    Super Senior Member
    • Mar 2005
    • 1199

    Don't own the Krell, but................I tried the Apollo with my 804s for a weekend, primarily because I could not get a hold of a Saturn for home demo (Brisbane is a Saturn free zone - no one keeps them in stock).

    I had being living witha Nad T562 DVD as a source since I purchased my 804s last year, and I had just tried the Shanling T80 - which had an exciting dynamic sound but seemed to lack the focus I was looking for. By comparison the Apollo seemed very controlled and measured in its musical presentation. Unfortunately after the Shanling it appeared a bit lacking in dynamics. What I did notice is how amazingly unfatiguing is was after a long session comparing players, straining to hear every possible difference (When there are dollars involved I find that process a bit stressful) - then hooking up the Rega it was like taking a deep breath and relaxing- its a very natural sound. The highs were certainly more subdued (integrated?) in the mix compared to the other players. From all the reviews I have read it is the Saturn that does an even better job with the high freqencies.

    (note: in a recent comparison of digital vs vinyl this was one of the interesting differences - digital had a tendency to compartmentalise the sound within the soundstage, the analogue sound did not have the edges that drew attention to each element, not unlike the Rega sound - hard to describe, you have to hear it by doing the comparison yourself)

    Ultimately (for my ears) I found that the 804s deserved higher investment in the front end if I was to be free of the upgrade bug. Naim 5x almost got me there, adding the Naim power supply and a better interconnect got me the sound I was after.

    I summary, Apollo & Saturn are both well worth an in home audition.
    Mac 8gb SSD Audirvana ->Weiss INT202 firewire interface ->Naim DAC & XPS2 DR->Conrad Johnson CT5 & LP70S-> Vivid B1s. Nordost Valhalla cables & resonance management. (Still waiting for Paul Hynes PS:M)
    Siamese :evil: :twisted:


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