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  • fixew
    started a topic mach1 4024

    mach1 4024

    would anyone have the designs for a mach1 series (4024) speaker cabinet? as usual google is a bastion of flowing mis-information. what i'm intending on doing is building a close as possible duplication of the 70s series 4024s, the 4024a's and later were to imho were junk..these were comparable to my...
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  • How does Wavecor Ardent stack up against high end commercial?

    Im interested in building Wavecor Ardent, Statement II, or Bordeaux. I'm assuming the best would be the Ardents. For those of you who have any of these, how do they stack up against high end commercial speakers? My favorite speakers so far have been Bowers and Wilkins 800 D3 Diamond. They are around...
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