Watching more or watching less tv ?

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  • George Bellefontaine
    Moderator Emeritus
    • Jan 2001
    • 7637

    Watching more or watching less tv ?

    This is for those of you who have not been avid tv watchers. I used to watch the news at 6, Larry King Live whenever he had interesting guests, and occasionally Biography. And that was it. But since the events of September 11, I find that I am watching more tv than usual.It's probably because I am still interested in what's happening with the war on terrorism, but lately I have begun to watch other tv fare such as the CSI series.I watched it once awhile back, and now I look for it every Thursday night.Now I am fighting the urge to test some of the newer series programs this season, but I am reluctant as I don't want to become a couch potato, and the HT has to still come first.
    How about you? Watching more or less tv ?

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  • Andrew Pratt
    Moderator Emeritus
    • Aug 2000
    • 16508

    hmm I have a few shows I like to watch when I can but for the most part I don't watch the much TV. It really boils down to X-Files, Fraiser, The Practice and the odd sports game when I get the chance.


    • P-Dub
      Office Moderator
      • Aug 2000
      • 6766

      I'm watching a lot more TV. Before it was just X-Files, Friends, ER, and some other shows, like Law & Order. Now, I'm watching those three, plus Survivor, Alias, 24, Enterprise, and occasionally CSI, Law & Order, SVU, Criminal Intent. It's so bad that I haven't even had a chance to watch the season openner of X-Files, nor last night's episode. So couch potatoe I've become me. :P


      There are three kinds of people in this world; those that can count, and those that can't.

      There are three kinds of people in this world; those that can count, and those that can't.


      • Burke Strickland
        • Sep 2001
        • 3161

        In years past there used to be several shows I watched every week (such as "All In The Family", "Cheers", "M*A*S*H", "Barney Miller", "Saturday Night Live" -- back when it was actually funny). But that was before the days of movies on disc. These days, my viewing of broadcast television is usually limited to the first 20 minutes of "The Tonight Show" each weekday evening -- Jay Leno's monologue and the first "skit" (such as "Headlines").

        Typically I get the news by reading newspapers -- online -- including The Houston Chronicle, The New York Times and The Washington Post, plus and MSNBC. Of course, during extraordinary events such as the September 11 tragedy, or the June 8 floods here in Houston, I watch a lot of TV news to keep up with the breaking stories.

        Entertainment is what the HT is all about -- DVDs are far preferable to trying to catch movies on a broadcaster's schedule. Plus I have more control over format (correct aspect ratio, for example) and breaks (I can take them when I want without missing any of the movie). And then there is music...

        I dropped all but local channel access on cable because I just didn't need to be paying for 100 + channels of programing I never watched. And I really don't miss it at all.


        What you DON'T say may be held against you...


        • SiliGoose
          Senior Member
          • Aug 2000
          • 942

          Not here. I still think all network TV sucks. Sitcoms make me gag and the dramas I've seen are all the same show in a different setting.

          Friends keep telling me to watch for a show called "24". They say it's the kind of show that'll change my mind. I Tivo'd it so we'll see.



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