Turning a corner

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  • Bob
    Senior Member
    • Jul 2000
    • 802

    Turning a corner

    As Dennis Miller likes to say, "I don't want to get off on a rant here but." this has been one difficult year at my house. It has been a test of emotional and physical endurence that I don't recall signing up for. Watching America being attacked by terrorists, a vicious sexual attack on our youngest daughter that led to her need to be in a special school in another state 10 months ago, 6 months of chemo therapy which can really put a damper on your day, and then my hand crushed. I told my wife that I was "all in", ready to move back to either Hawaii or Costa Rica, the heck with responsibilities, just want to go sit on a beach, cut the soles off my shoes, learn to play the flute. and think selfish thoughts.
    Then life suddenly turned a corner. I stumbled across a unopened Doug MacLeod album, "Come to Find". This has been one of my favorite CDs for years but, had no idea that it existed on vinyl. I saw a old photo of someone standing in line at a record store holding a copy of the album and the seach was on. First I tried all the usual internet vinyl search sites with no luck. Not even a hint that a vinyl version ever existed. For a few weeks I gave up on the idea. Then I went over to a audio store in my area to meet with the owner for a bike ride/yoga/lunch deal. When we got back to the store, to pick up some tubes for my Audio Research preamp, I casually asked Randy if he had ever heard of any of Doug MacLeod's albums being on vinyl. Without even hesitating he reached under the counter and pulled out "Come to Find". I know it doesn't sound like much but, for me it was an omen that I had played out my bad kharma and that this test was over.
    Also, on the vinyl front, I went crazy last week and ordered $1200 worth of vinyl from Acoustic Sounds. All the Creedence releases, Dylan at the Royal Albert Hall, Weavers at Carnegie Hall, lots more R&R, some jazz and even a few classical records. Been slowly working my way through some great music.
    Last night I really fell in love with Holy Cole's "Romantically Helpless" and "The Ann Arbor Blues and Jazz Festival 1972". The funny thing about the Holy Cole album is that it comes with a bonus 45rpm record with four songs. I didn't notice when I took the first record out and placed the 45rpm one on without changing the belt. Oddly enough I actually liked it at that speed!
    O'k, rant is over. I feel better now.
  • Lex
    Moderator Emeritus
    • Apr 2001
    • 27461

    Bob, I had no idea about your daughter, I had no idea about the chemo. I did know about your hand. My God man, it has been a year from hell for you and your family. I can only hope that this omen of musical delight can translate through the rest of your life, and that indeed, your family's fortune takes a bright sunny turn from here, showered with good fortune and luck.

    Hang in there Bob, and my best to your daughter as well. That is just a totally unforgivable thing to happen to anyone.

    "I'm out there Jerry, and I'm loving every minute of it!" - Kramer


    • KS
      • Jun 2002
      • 43

      Bob, not to sound preachy but seeing what your year was like, and what your attitude is at the moment is a true inspiration.

      I congratulate you on your strength and your daughter is in our prayers.



      • Andrew Pratt
        Moderator Emeritus
        • Aug 2000
        • 16507

        Glad to hear you still have a positive attiude after what must have been a truely trying year.


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