Any competitors to the KEF iQ9 Speakers?

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  • FuzzyGuy
    Junior Member
    • Aug 2006
    • 1

    Any competitors to the KEF iQ9 Speakers?

    Let me start by a disclaimer - I know nothing about speakers! That, and coupled with the fact that I am neither surrounded by local shops at which I can listen and compare, nor am I the type with enough time to enjoy such a lengthy comparison make my speaker-hunt quite difficult.

    I am merely someone who wants the best for his money. I want two good floor-standers. I will be listening to music about 80% of the time, and I like it loud (I bought my own house for this reason ... among others!). My listening room is a large 20x40 room with 8' ceilings, but I will be sitting about 10-12 feet from the speakers. I haven't bought the receiver yet, but have budgeted about $800 for it.

    To those of you who have heard them, do you know any decent competitors to the KEF iQ9. They are at the top of my budget, so please do not mention other speakers that cost more, but you are welcome to mention comparable speakers that cost less!

    Thanks for your time, and please excuse my "noobiness"
  • fauzigarib
    Senior Member
    • Aug 2006
    • 216

    iQ7 owner!


    For the money, I love the speakers. I used to have the Q7's from the previous generation before the iQ's came out, and then upgraded them to the iQ7's... Didn't find much of a difference, but for the price, it's a top notch performer.

    My only issue with the speaker was this: The build quality on atleast the previous generation was a tad shoddy.

    I will suggest this to you... keeping in mind that you have a tight budget.

    Take a look at some used Klipsch Reference series, if you don't mind buying second hand. The point is that you'll be able to get another manufacturer's product from a higher line. Or even a used XQ series from Kef... Those are actually stunning speakers, though I think you'd be hard pressed to come by them used.

    What electronics are you using to power them?

    Let's see what we can set you up with! Good luck,



    • comeup
      Senior Member
      • Jul 2005
      • 356

      FuzzyGuy, I have the XQ Fives and the references love the sound of Kef and I have heard the sound of the iQ9 and they are great sounding for the money actually they come close to the XQ series for half the money.You will find great reviews for these speakers all over the net. B&W 600 series are good competition. good luck


      • fauzigarib
        Senior Member
        • Aug 2006
        • 216

        Which reference?


        Which Reference series do you have?

        I have always always always loved the sound of that entire line, and used to lust (drooling mouth and everything!) after the 207's. *Sigh.

        Good to hear people like other British speaker makers too!

        Unfortunately, Kef has really gone down the tubes in recent times, from what I hear... any info on that?



        • len73
          • Jan 2005
          • 76

          I do not want to be the troublemaker, but you shoud DEFINITELY have a look at the Silver Series from MONITOR AUDIO.

          The RS8 are priced the same, but sounding far far better than the iQ9. Furthermore, the RS8 are just killing the iQ9 when looking at the finish of the boxes !

          Worth a look and a listening test, for sure !

          When I replaced my entire system this year, I firstly planned to go for the iQ9 for front, the iQ7 for rear and the iQ6c for center.

          After, let's say 5 minutes of comparative listening between the iQ series and the RS from Monitor, there was no hestitation possible. The RS sound punchier, more detailed, far bigger than it's actual size !

          Finally, I took the Gold Series. Not the same price, but again, a level higher than the silver.

          If I had to choose between the KEF iQ and the Monitor RS, my choice would be done in 1 second : Monitor Audio !


          • comeup
            Senior Member
            • Jul 2005
            • 356

            Fauzi, I have a complete surround system using 201 monitors in the front, 202c at the center and 206's for the rear and a REL Q201E sub. I use my XQ5's for stereo in my living room and also have the center to match if needed got the three for 2699$ out the door. I should have waited for the reference I see them on sell all over the the place now I paid close to full price for them. Fauzi Look around you can get the 201's for apprx. 1350$ each now online. They are the best sounding speakers i've owned very warm and detailed and at that price its a steal.


            • fauzigarib
              Senior Member
              • Aug 2006
              • 216



              I don't know about you, but I just heard the Xq's a couple days ago, and thought that they were just fantabulous!! Actually, I hate Stereophile type descriptions, but the word "liquid" came to mind.

              Plus, they're quite sexy to look at, though I'm sure people would disagree with me. I'm just getting a friend to buy a full surround package with the xq's... Xq5's in the front, Xq2c in the center, xq1 pair for the sides and the older iq8ds for the rears...

              Any tips?



              • revelman
                Junior Member
                • Jul 2006
                • 16

                I have heard the Kef iq9 and for the price thought they were wonderful speakers. I would also consider the Revel F12. I think they retail 1200 or 1300. Great for music and home theater.
                Attached Files


                • revelman
                  Junior Member
                  • Jul 2006
                  • 16

                  If you are really into music, look up Epos ELS 303. You can get them from authorized retailers online for 629.00 shipped. I think they reproduce music better then the Kef iq line. Plus there is a great article about them in last months issue in The Absolute Sound.


                  • comeup
                    Senior Member
                    • Jul 2005
                    • 356

                    Originally posted by fauzigarib

                    I don't know about you, but I just heard the Xq's a couple days ago, and thought that they were just fantabulous!! Actually, I hate Stereophile type descriptions, but the word "liquid" came to mind.

                    Plus, they're quite sexy to look at, though I'm sure people would disagree with me. I'm just getting a friend to buy a full surround package with the xq's... Xq5's in the front, Xq2c in the center, xq1 pair for the sides and the older iq8ds for the rears...

                    Any tips?
                    Fauzi, I love my XQ5's they are straight forward and super clean sounding sometimes on the bright side but with a positive bright sound. When listening to jazz it sounds as if the musicians are right in front of you especially with horns that when the brightness really takes effect in a good way.

                    On the negative note they take a long time to break in, so if your friend buys them they will not sound like the ones you just listened too, give them a couple of months to really open up.

                    The references have every thing the xq's have with more warmth which is the only difference I notice. I think the prices should be alot closer, but there is a difference.

                    I don't know where you live, but if there is an Andersons in your area they sell Kefs and they will go down on the price. Andersons specialize in televisions with some audio/hometheater products. I bought mines in Concord, Ca.


                    • augerpro
                      Super Senior Member
                      • Aug 2006
                      • 1868

                      I'll second the Monitor Audio RS6/8. this was one speaker I didn't get a chance to audition, definately will someday. I liked the iQ9 over the B&W 604. The highs were pretty comparable I thought, but the Kefs seemed fuller and flatter to the bottom. The 604 seemed to kinda go flat in the middle then got woofy at the bottom.

                      I ended up buying Onix Rocket 760s. I'd have to do a side by side with the Kef to say what tweeter was actually better, but everything lower the was so good on the 760 it was the winner. I like the hairs on my arm to feel the music and the 760s did that :T
                      ~Brandon 8O
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                      Soma Sonus


                      • fauzigarib
                        Senior Member
                        • Aug 2006
                        • 216

                        Made in China...


                        I just realized that Kef, in all it's British glory, make all their sub - Reference speakers in China. Obviously, the designing is all done at Kef, and I think the Uni-q tweeters are still made in the UK. But the actual assembly of it is done in China.

                        That, in my mind, really explains the build quality issues on the iQ's. And the difference between the current Reference line, and all the q's (both x and i) are night and day.

                        You feel that too? You think that makes any difference on the sound quality of the speaker, or am I just being finnicky?



                        • adinfinitum
                          • Apr 2006
                          • 63


                          If you like the British sound, I heartily recommend the Rega R5 at the same price point as the iQ9, or even the R3 for a little less. I own a set of Kef Q3 and love them, but am thinking of the R3's as they have a nicer, more controled low range, but still have that sweet mid-range of the British sounding Kefs.

                          P.S. I have no issues at all with the build quality of my Kefs. They are solid, attractive and sound delicious.


                          • comeup
                            Senior Member
                            • Jul 2005
                            • 356

                            Fauzi, I don't mind them being made in china as long as they are done right. The quality is still there and is done the way Kef says. I also have Rotel which is made in China too and I've had no problems with any of their products and their stuff is top notch.

                            Fauzi, if you like it get it the deals are so good now and China is probably the reason why I just hate to see so many jobs being lost but thats another story. The Kef quality is there, if I didn't know they were made in China I would have never assumed it, they did a good job with Kef products IMO.

                            Good Luck
                            Last edited by comeup; 28 August 2006, 22:08 Monday.


                            • Alloroc
                              Super Senior Member
                              • Dec 2005
                              • 2580

                              Originally posted by FuzzyGuy
                              Let me start by a disclaimer - I know nothing about speakers! That, and coupled with the fact that I am neither surrounded by local shops at which I can listen and compare, nor am I the type with enough time to enjoy such a lengthy comparison make my speaker-hunt quite difficult.

                              I am merely someone who wants the best for his money. I want two good floor-standers. I will be listening to music about 80% of the time, and I like it loud (I bought my own house for this reason ... among others!). My listening room is a large 20x40 room with 8' ceilings, but I will be sitting about 10-12 feet from the speakers. I haven't bought the receiver yet, but have budgeted about $800 for it.

                              To those of you who have heard them, do you know any decent competitors to the KEF iQ9. They are at the top of my budget, so please do not mention other speakers that cost more, but you are welcome to mention comparable speakers that cost less!

                              Thanks for your time, and please excuse my "noobiness"


                              To specifically answer your question - over here its main competitor is the B&W DM603 S3, there are obviously lots of others out there but as KEF and B&W natrually compete with one and other - that's the one.

                              I'd hang on though until I listened to the new CM series floorstander that's due out soon.


                              I don't want the world. I just want your half.


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