Frodaddy Statement center ?

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  • CxTurbo
    Junior Member
    • Jun 2012
    • 5

    Frodaddy Statement center ?

    Wondering how much work it would be to add two more RS225's to this design. What kind of changes would be needed in the crossover?

    Realy wanted the 4CC but have access to the drivers locally at a good price and it is only available in full kit form.

    Would this revision to the statement be wise or should I look for another WWMTMWW center design?


  • technodanvan
    Super Senior Member
    • Nov 2009
    • 1051

    Have you contacted Jed? He might be able to work something out for you on the 4CC if you already have drivers available.

    I should note that unless you already have the drivers (or can get them used) his price is about as fair as anywhere else...
    - Danny


    • CxTurbo
      Junior Member
      • Jun 2012
      • 5


      Yes, I contacted Jed. He had said that he only sells the complete kit now. I was only looking for his completed crossovers and such.

      I can get the drivers locally for roughly half the cost of the kit without including shipping and customs charges. Maybe I am just being too cheap. I have around 300 for drivers at the moment so maybe I could save a while longer. He was the one that pointed me to the Frodaddy indicating that it would be a better choice should I have access to the drivers locally.



      • Hdale85
        Moderator Emeritus
        • Jan 2006
        • 16073

        His kits are pretty much priced at the MSRP of the components last I remember.


        • CxTurbo
          Junior Member
          • Jun 2012
          • 5

          OK, Maybe I am just being too frugal. I still need to decide on a plan though.

          Are there any other WWMTMWW designs out there? Possibly that use the RS225 drivers. I am thinking I would like the improved frequency response down low on that midbass driver. The 225 is the go to budget midbass in a fully active system in car audio and enjoy the ones in my truck doors. The 180's in the rear doors are a little thin but it could be because they are in an O/B type set-up being in the door.

          My theater is roughly 354 sqft with 8' tented ceilings and I have a 8' wide screen. I would like to fill most of the under screen area with the center.


          • technodanvan
            Super Senior Member
            • Nov 2009
            • 1051

            I haven't even started on my 4T/4CC builds but I really, really doubt you'll be hurting on the bottom end with the RS180 (especially 4 of them!). Certainly low enough to cross to a sub.

            I just purchased my Dynamics maybe a month or so ago, Jed really is a good guy to work with. From my understanding he may be able to omit some things to save on initial costs - like binding posts, acoustic foam, etc.

            What mains are you running?
            - Danny


            • CxTurbo
              Junior Member
              • Jun 2012
              • 5

              Thank-you for your opinion. I appreciate it.

              At the moment I am running some V3 Paradigm 7's. i will do the Tower of whatever design I choose.

              My center is the hurting thing at the moment. Believe it is a Paradigm CC-370.

              I was looking at getting the Signature C5 center from Paradigm a year or so ago then Paradigm raised the price during the swith to the V2 with the Beryllium tweeter. Also to match pricing in the US due to slower sales there (Paradigm was always priced higher in the USA versus Canada). I always have wanted to build speakers myself (was even looking into it in highschool)as I enjoy building things myself. I just lack the fundamentals to start from scratch myself.

              Regardless I feel that the center is the first logical choice for me since it is a weak point in my system. I will be powering it with a Pioneer Elite SC-35 .

              Maybe I'll get back in touch with Jed and see what we can work out.

              Last edited by CxTurbo; 27 June 2012, 21:57 Wednesday.


              • technodanvan
                Super Senior Member
                • Nov 2009
                • 1051

                Originally posted by CxTurbo
                I always have wanted to build speakers myself (was even looking into it in highschool)as I enjoy building things myself. I just lack the fundamentals to start from scratch myself.
                Definitely a good idea to use a tried and true design for your first few builds. I have now done a handful and am just beginning to work on my own design. There is so much to know about designing a competent loudspeaker that I'm sure it'll be years before I feel comfortable doing it. I feel like I'm just at the "I know what I don't know stage" and am just taking baby steps.

                Either way you go I think you'll be fine. Jed told me once (and this is paraphrasing so I hope I have it right!) that the full-size Statements probably dig deeper than the 4T, but you'll probably get more mid-bass 'impact' from the 4T. Something to keep in mind too, I'm pretty sure the Frodaddy center was a sealed design, where the 4CC is ported.

                Before you concentrate too much on the center (though I like that it's your starting point!) can your room handle any of the other Statement-series speakers? They need a good 18-24" behind them in order to work properly, and there are no mods to change this, it is what it is. If you can't use them as mains you may want to lean the other way.

                I don't know of any other big centers off the top of my head, but if you find one I'd sure be interested to see what else is out there!
                - Danny


                • CxTurbo
                  Junior Member
                  • Jun 2012
                  • 5

                  Good tips.

                  My room is plenty big and open in all areas. I have one problem spot being the right front. Not much room between the wall and the speaker.

                  There was a set sealed mid plans for the Statement mains I saw on the website. I did not however see anything for the monitors.

                  On a side note. I spoke to Jed again and he is looking into shipping costs for me.

                  Now If I could only convince the wife on allowing me to place acoustic panels on the screen wall :/



                  • technodanvan
                    Super Senior Member
                    • Nov 2009
                    • 1051

                    Good deal, Jed will be able to help you out, I'm sure of it. If he can't give you what you want or doesn't feel like his product is the 'ideal' thing for you he'll be sure to tell you.

                    Originally posted by CxTurbo
                    There was a set sealed mid plans for the Statement mains I saw on the website. I did not however see anything for the monitors.
                    Do note that this is only sealed for the main cabinet (RS225s) - the ports are still open on the back for the mids and they still require the same distance from the back wall. Not sure if that's what you were getting at but figured I'd point it out. I would probably go ported myself but I have seen some really nice sealed setups too.

                    You'd probably need to contact Curt or Jim on this, but I don't think you want acoustic panels behind the Statements due to the dipole-like response of the mids.
                    - Danny


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