Center to match jon's Avalon M8ta design?

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  • jquin
    Senior Member
    • Dec 2006
    • 138

    Center to match jon's Avalon M8ta design?

    Hi All

    I know there are some MTM's that would be good as centers in
    the mission accomplished section but I dont know that I have seen
    any that are matched in style to jon's "avalon" fronts.

    Also how imperative is it to keep the same drivers for all speakers
    in a HT system.

    John Q
    Last edited by ThomasW; 09 January 2007, 11:33 Tuesday. Reason: clarify title
  • jdybnis
    Senior Member
    • Dec 2004
    • 399

    I think a third M8ta would be the best choice in terms of SQ.


    • jquin
      Senior Member
      • Dec 2006
      • 138

      Well I might have a crack at it. I'll post some CAD photos to get comments &
      suggestion. I doubt the box volume will be as big as the M8ta however. And I want to keep the drivers vertical so it will be an interesting challenge.


      • JonMarsh
        Mad Max Moderator
        • Aug 2000
        • 15320

        On gentleman in Norway was interested in this approach a couple of years ago- basically, the idea was like moving the driver up closer to the tweeter and cutting the box in half, just using the upper part sealed (think something like MarkK's RS225 two way enclosure volume, but the faceted style).

        I'm considering turning this into a three way design soon, (well, this really depends on RS52 availability), no reason a short version of that wouldn't work. Probably sealed; I haven't run the numbers, but I doubt there would be any advantage to porting that small a box. But never say never...
        the AudioWorx
        Natalie P
        Modula Neo DCC
        Modula MT XE
        Modula Xtreme
        Wavecor Ardent

        Minerva Monitor
        Ardent D

        In Development...
        Isiris Mk II updates- in final test stage!
        Saint-Saƫns Symphonique/AKA SMJ-40
        Modula PWB
        Calliope CC Supreme
        Natalie P Ultra
        Natalie P Supreme
        Janus BP1 Sub

        Resistance is not futile, it is Volts divided by Amperes...
        Just ask Mr. Ohm....


        • jquin
          Senior Member
          • Dec 2006
          • 138

          Well I'm not sure what to do now.
          I am keen to help but of course I am new to all this.
          I don't know if you can share and cad files or models of the drivers? Otherwise I'll approximate my own until I get my hands on some M8a's.

          BTW if the M8ta becomes a three way will the M8a still be the driver of choice? Even with the TV world going LCD something with a shield may be required by some.

          I just wish someone sold Dayton in Australia.

          John Q


          • JonMarsh
            Mad Max Moderator
            • Aug 2000
            • 15320

            The RS225 has been the driver of choise for most builds of the M8ta. The M8a has been used for one, the Seas Excel W22 for another. Mine use RS225 at present.

            I'm happy to send you both driver data files and LspCAD files if you'd like- rolling your own version is something I encourage, not discourage- expermentation is how we learn.

            Yeah, Australia is a long ways away- it's funny that the Dayton drivers are sourced much closer to you than the US is. I want to visit Australia and New Zealand some day, probably tack it on to a business trip to Singapore, but you know, you guys and gals are a LONG ways away! Even from the West Coast of the US where I live!

            Post your ideas and lets see what happens. I used to work in AutoCAD for 3D (that's what the M8ta was done in), currently work in Concepts Unlimited, but can export to AutoCAD.

            I'm considering a three way version of the M8ta to implement a Duelund style crossover, as an experiment. I'm trying to keep the M8ta design to relatively affordable drivers, at least as basic options- so no Accuton midranges or the like for now. OTOH, tweeter upgrades seem like a good idea.

            If you can get Seas and Scanspeak drivers in Australia, and have a moderate budget, a way to consider would be the D3004/66000 with Seas W22. For a small dome mid, can't think of anything moderate priced with performance anywhere near the Dayton RS52.
            the AudioWorx
            Natalie P
            Modula Neo DCC
            Modula MT XE
            Modula Xtreme
            Wavecor Ardent

            Minerva Monitor
            Ardent D

            In Development...
            Isiris Mk II updates- in final test stage!
            Saint-Saƫns Symphonique/AKA SMJ-40
            Modula PWB
            Calliope CC Supreme
            Natalie P Ultra
            Natalie P Supreme
            Janus BP1 Sub

            Resistance is not futile, it is Volts divided by Amperes...
            Just ask Mr. Ohm....


            • capslock
              Senior Member
              • Dec 2004
              • 410

              Never heard about a W22 M8ta, did you build it? What tweeter?


              • jquin
                Senior Member
                • Dec 2006
                • 138

                I might have to forgo the expensive drivers for the moment, well at least until my kids are old enough to leave the dust caps the hell alone! :M (Good thing the daytons have protective covers) :T
                I guess I'll bite the bullet and order all the drivers at once from Parts Express.

                Strangely W22 is not listed on the seas Australian distributors site but rather three other 8" are listed as W21EX002 E013, W21E002 E012 & W21EX001 E004 (Older models?)

                Oh well of to do some CAD work.

                John Q


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