Now What's Dylan up to?

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  • Bob
    Senior Member
    • Jul 2000
    • 802

    Now What's Dylan up to?

    Everybody that attends live shows has their favorite. I seldom go more than a week without attending some sort of live performance. Mostly small venues where they still play acoustic blues but, some larger rock and classical music venues also. My favorite concerts have all been Dylan concerts. Dylan with the Band, with Van Morrison, with Paul Simon, and his last hardcore Rockabilly tour, have been my personal favorites over the years. His voice is gone, unless you like that Tom Waites type gravel voice, which I do. But, his music and back up bands always ROCK.
    He just came through my area playing the college circuit and is already returning. This time he is staying and playing everynight for a week. Very unlike him. The opening act is Merle Haggard. Perfect combination with what he has been playing lately. Since you never know who is going to get up on stage with him when he plays LA, I'm gettting tickets for each night. It is so unsual for him to linger at one spot I'm thinking it could be something special in the makings. Maybe a Last Waltz. I have made a few phone calls to likely cameramen and directors to see if anybody has been contacted to do any filming but, so far, either nobody has or they aren't saying.
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